Tidy TV Install for Retired Couple

Corner Mounted 32″ LG LED TV in Bedroom

You don’t have to be installing a Gigantic LED Flat Panel TV in a Sports Bar to have the experts at Ion Security and Integration install it for you.

Many of our HDTV installations are residential customers who don’t have the tools, expertise or experience to wall mount their new Flat Panel TV.  Some installations are trickier than others comments Ion installer Doyle Serink, but many installs are basic 32″-50” LCD, LED and plasma TVs.

An example of typical basic install would be the one we did for retiree’s Bob and Martha,   a 32” LG, LED TV installed on an articulating bracket in the corner of the Bedroom with all cabling hidden from view.  Bob comments, “I suppose I could have installed the TV myself with the help of my son but it probably wouldn’t have turned out as nice.  I certainly couldn’t have hid the wires or cable box like Doyle did.  Martha’s really happy  too, now that we got the TV off of the dresser.”

Sure we hang the big ones, but we also hang the little ones too …  If you would like your new LED, LCD or Plasma professionally installed by someone with more than 25 yeas of experience and more than 1000 TV installations under his belt,  give Doyle at Ion Security and Integration a call at 780-489-5522 or click the Link to send an email.

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